Training future pastors, missionaries, and leaders in Latin America
One of the key ways we keep in touch with our friends and family back home is by sending out newsletters. They are usually focused on the ministry work we are doing in Argentina, but sometimes we include other stories involving our personal lives or cultural aspects of living abroad.
Below are some of the important newsletters we have sent out over the past several years. In order to receive our newsletters, just fill out the form on the right.
May 2023
What we have accomplished so far in 2023
Let's get right to business, here are some highlights of work accomplished so far in 2023:
Seminary: At Seminario Biblico William Carey we had a good close to 2022 with a nice graduation ceremony. Local students living in Cordoba as well as others from cities far away were present to receive their diplomas. Here is a picture of pastor Ariel Moreno, who serves in the north of Argentina in the city of Resistencia:
September 2022
More resources produced and launched for evangelism and discipleship
I have started my last year of classes, the one I am currently taking is called Biblical and Theological Foundations of Missions and Evangelism. A couple of books in our reading have mentioned the importance of Seminaries and theological training in the process of reaching a country. I am proud of Seminary Carey and am thankful that God continues to grow our enrollment. Just this past week a new study center was launched in Madrid, Spain.
May 2022
Busy and blessed in Argentina
Have you ever been asked "What have you been up to these days?" and you really did not know where to begin? You are thinking in the back of your mind: Hmm, where should I start? There is work, keeping up with the house, taking the kids to their activities, doctors visits, special activities and events, school, etc.
I know how you feel. I think busyness is a good thing, as long as it stays within a "healthy busy."
March 2022
What do Spain, Ecuador, and the USA have in common?
Spain, Ecuador, and the United States have many things in common, but the one I am most interested in telling you about is that these are 3 countries where Seminary Carey is growing. Over the past week I have helped with the onboarding process for our new online students for 2022, we have over 70 new students studying this year!
January 2020
Reaching out to our neighbors during the Christmas season
A few days before Christmas we opened our house up for others in the neighborhood to come over. The event was held during the afternoon time, from 5-7 pm. This time of day is known to be the time when Argentines have an afternoon snack, which is called "Merienda".
November 2019
A heart-breaking story and an update on sports ministry
We never know what God has in store for us from one day to the next. Many days may seem "normal" and other days may seem more "supernatural," yet God is in control of all of our days and his will is accomplished if we just make ourselves available to him.
November 2018
We are thankful for so many things this holiday season
For the first time in over 12 years, I was able to be in the USA for Thanksgiving. Although it is not a holiday in Argentina, we do try to find the ingredients (or find suitable replacement ingredients) to make traditional foods that we eat in the USA. So, I have not gone entirely without Thanksgiving, but it isn't quite the same as celebrating with family in a typical American fashion.
September 2018
We are on furlough until February 2019 ...
We are currently in the United States for our first extended "furlough" since moving to Argentina 12 years ago. It has been everything but boring!
On June 7th of 2018 we arrived in Dallas, Texas. So much has happened in the last 3 months that . . .
June 2018
A Successful short-term football mission trip!
The gospel is just one unique message, but God provides us with many different ways and opportunities to share this message of hope.
In the past 12 years I have been involved with a local football club here in Córdoba, which I seek to use to build relationships so that I may share the gospel.
April 2018
The only Bible seminary open to Cuban nationals.
Within the country of Cuba, you’ll find many seminaries, of many denominations, but not all are open to the Cuban public. The majority are training centers for missionaries coming in or going out - and almost all are contraband (not allowed by the Cuban government). There are only two government-approved seminaries in the country:
February 2018
A story of success
Not long ago, Juan Ignacio Gonzalez was focused on becoming a professional soccer player, following in the steps of his father. A time came when God radically changed His life and gave him a passion for different things, especially studying God's word and pastoring/mentoring/discipling others.
Although Juan Ignacio is only in his 20's he is surely not letting anyone look down on him and . . .
January 2018
What our Cuban Seminary students are happy about.
Did you know there are over 150 students in Cuba preparing to be future leaders and pastors with William Carey Bible Seminary?
A group of them are especially happy these days as they received some bikes thanks to a kind donation from one of our many supporters. Our leader in Cuba, Jatniel Perez has done a phenomenal job
November 2017
2 Ministry events: a conference and a children's retreat
Every year, around October, our Seminary puts on a Conference, each with a unique theme and topics. People from all over Argentina come to hear the speakers. This year, our topic was on the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation.
October 2017
What I like about my job
Every job has its "moment of glory" ... when a sale is closed, a project completed, a patient is cured, etc. Essentially, my job is to design, develop, teach, and mentor courses that are theological in nature.
What I like about our Seminary is that we strive as much as we can to connect theology with life (as it should be).
July 2017
What does a typical church in Argentina look like?
At the core of our mission at William Carey Seminary is to see healthy biblical churches planted throughout Argentina and in all of Latin America. I have lived in Argentina now for 11 years and I am still surprised by the lack of what I would call "normal" churches.
June 2017
Building relationships at William Carey Seminary
At William Carey Biblical Seminary we are working hard at building community and forging relationships:
One of our many goals for this year was to work more intentionally towards building relationships. One thing that we have already had in place for years is that we require each student to have a mentor.
May 2017
Buy a water heater if you want to learn a little about life in Argentina
So, I believe it was a Tuesday that I bought the new unit, and the salesman took my phone number and told me that the installation technician would be getting a hold of me soon. The good news was that I got a call on the next day, a Wednesday:
March 2017
You have helped the gospel spread in Latin America
At William Carey Seminary, our students are having a direct impact on their churches and communities. I invite you to watch this video about one of our recent graduates, Roberto Romero: (click the button below to see the video in the original newsletter.)
October 2016
Stories of ministry in Córdoba, Argentina
In this newsletter I would like to share several stories using photos.
In this picture, the young man on the far left is Nicolás Olivera, a student of Seminario Carey. Here, you see him in his main area of service, which is to a community of Bolivians who work in tough labor making bricks.
June 2016
News from our work in Chile and in the north of Argentina
In early April I had the opportunity to go to southern Chile, which is where one of the study centers of our Seminary is located. Together with Juan Leyton, director of the Seminary, we were invited to give some talks on the church's role in Evangelism. We also used the time to catch up with our students studying there.
September 2016
My experience teaching our seminary students throughout all of Cuba
I am glad I had the opportunity to go to Cuba for around 10 days, although I must say it was a "difficult" trip. It was tough physically and emotionally. Even though it was not too long of a trip, it was the first time I had spent a number of days away from my family, plus, in Cuba there is no wi-fi or internet, so I was without connection and the ability to communicate freely for the entire time I was there.
January 2015
Looking back at 2014 and ahead to 2015 ... serving in various capacities.
For the university ministry at our church, we had an informal year-end meeting. With students sitting in a circle, people requested songs to be sung, shared some highlights from the year, and prayed together. Of course, a time of eating food was also had.
I also had the opportunity to baptize a young man, Emmanuel Alonso, who is enlisted in the Argentine Air Force.
September 2014
Teaching sound theology and developing relationships with pastors in Tucuman, Argentina
Last month I went to Tucuman to speak at a theological conference, along with two others who also work for Seminary Carey, pastor Sam Masters and pastor Juan Leyton. Tucuman is 6 hours north of Córdoba by car, and is the 5th largest metropolitan city in Argentina.
February 2014
Report on successful mission trip to Cachi, in the north of Argentina
December 2013
Caos insues as Argentine police officers go on strike.
What would your city look like if there were no police?
Unfortunately in Córdoba we found out the answer to that question just 2 days ago.
It seemed for me to be a typical day in the city. After finishing work, my wife and I decided to join up with a friend for a movie. We bought tickets to the show early, went to eat at the food court, and then when we tried to enter the theater, we knew something wasn't right.